Robotic sculpting with a Kuka robot from Sweden

Robotic sculpting with a Kuka robot from Sweden | SprutCAM X3 listopada, 2023

Robotic sculpting with a Kuka robot from Sweden | SprutCAM XSweden

Crafting a single foam sculpture is a meticulous process, demanding time and precision in every step.

In a fascinating video by nioform se, we get an insight into their workflow. Watch as they efficiently rough out a foam block, swiftly eliminating excess material with a hot wire. Then, they employ milling for those perfect finishing touches. The best part? All of this magic unfolds through SprutCAM X Robot, right from your computer to your trusty robot.

Eager to explore this creative realm yourself? Dive into our Online training center and discover the possibilities!

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Robotic sculpting with a Kuka robot from Sweden | SprutCAM X
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