Best in class robotic sculpting

Best in class robotic sculpting | SprutCAM XAugust 29, 2023

Robotic sculpting driven by CAD/CAM software at its finest

F.H.L.I. Kiriakidis Marbles-Granites company from Greece used a KUKA robot programmed with SprutCAM X Robot CAD/CAM software to carve the Nike of Samothrace statue. The remarkable efforts put into the Nike of Samothrace project earned the company the 2020 Pinnacle Award in the Architectural Carving/Lettering/Sculpture category from the National Stone Institute.

The 5.5-ton replica, carved from a single block of marble, is a true testament to the expertise of the team involved in the project.

The replica is made from Thassian marble PRINOS, available only on the small Greek island of Thassos, which has been known for centuries for its bright and clean white marble. The challenge for FHL I. KIRIAKIDIS MARBLES – GRANITES S. A. was to create the statue in one piece using this all-white marble. The statue rests on a marble base, which was left from the original block to support its stability despite weighing approximately 5.5 tons. The exact copy was made according to the effigy supplied by the Louvre Museum in Paris, where the original has been on display since 1884.

After being crafted by cutting-edge robotic machinery for two months, the statue received its final touches from skilled sculptors by hand at FHL I. KIRIAKIDIS MARBLES – GRANITES S. A. in Drama, Greece.

About robotic sculpting

In recent years, the use of robots in the carving of stone statues has become increasingly popular. This technology has revolutionized the process of creating intricate and complex designs that would have been difficult, if not impossible, to achieve using traditional methods.

Robots are programmed using CAD/CAM software, which allows for precise control over their movements and actions. The software is designed to take into account the unique properties of each piece of stone being carved, including its hardness, texture, and grain direction. This ensures that the robot is able to carve the stone with maximum efficiency and accuracy.

SprutCAM X Robot in robotic sculpting

One example of a CAD/CAM software used in stone carving is SprutCAM X Robot. This software is designed specifically for use with robots and allows for the creation of complex 3D models that can be translated into precise tool paths for the robot to follow.

Using SprutCAM X Robot, a stone carver can import a detailed 3D model of the statue they wish to create from a CAD software. This model is analyzed and broken down into individual tool paths for the robot to follow. These tool paths are designed to ensure that the robot carves the stone in a precise and efficient manner, while also taking into account any potential issues that may arise during the carving process.

5 axis strategies are commonly used in CAM software to program robotic sculpting. These strategies enable the robot to move in five different directions, allowing for complex shapes to be created. The software uses algorithms to generate tool paths that guide the robot in its movements, ensuring precision and accuracy. Additionally, the software allows for the manipulation of various parameters such as feed rates, spindle speeds, and tool angles, which can be adjusted to optimize the sculpting process. Overall, the use of 5 axis strategies in CAM software provides a powerful tool for creating detailed and sculptures with the aid of robotic technology.

Robots sculpt 24/7

Another benefit of robotic sculpting is the ability of robots to work around the clock. Unlike human carvers who may need to take breaks or work limited hours, robots can operate continuously, allowing for faster turnaround times and increased production efficiency.

Overall, the use of robots in stone carving has revolutionized this ancient art form. With their ability to work around the clock, robots are able to increase production efficiency and reduce turnaround times, making this technology an attractive option for businesses looking to stay competitive in the stone carving industry.

Check out photos and videos of the robotic sculpting project of Nike of Samothrace

Robotic sculpting done by a KUKA robot programmed in SprutCAM X Robot CAM system
Robotic sculpting done by a KUKA robot programmed in SprutCAM X Robot CAM system
Manual finishing of the robotic sculpting result
Manual finishing of the robotic sculpting result

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This page was last updated on February 12, 2024.

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Best in class robotic sculpting | SprutCAM X
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