Robot glass cutting by Kawasaki

Robot glass cutting by Kawasaki | SprutCAM X31 marca, 2021

A modern mirror is a rather fragile material, since it is made of glass, and then a thin layer of some metal is applied to the glass sheet. Different metals have different properties of light refraction since they are used in different areas of our life: in cameras, in cars, everyone has at home, and in every girl’s purse you can find it. They have completely different shapes. And in order to get the desired shape, it is necessary to cut so that there are no chips. This can be helped by industrial robots using the required tool and SprutCAM Robot. Just see this video with the Kawasaki robot cutting glass.

Video is created by our Chinese supplier – Sprut Software Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.

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Robot glass cutting by Kawasaki | SprutCAM X
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