SprutCAM X 16.3.4
December 8, 2022
What’s new
New parameter in the Cladding 5D operation
New in toolpath calculation in Clading 5D operation

In this update, we have added a new Solid Model option for the Cladding 5D operation. It works only if the part is loaded as a solid 3D model.
If it is enabled, SprutCAM X automatically sorts the passes by internal and external walls, depending on the Overlay side parameter. For example, 1st pass on the inner contour, 2nd pass on the outer contour, 3rd pass on the inner contour, 4th pass on the outer contour, and so on.
If the Solid model parameter is turned off, then the sequence of passes along the contours can be different. For example, 1st pass along the inner contour, 2nd pass along the outer contour, 3rd pass again along the outer contour, 4th pass along the inner contour, and so on.
What is made easier
- Added support for LNC robots in MachineMaker
- Added support for Regal robots in MachineMaker
- Added support for Universal robots in MachineMake
What’s fixed
- Fixed a bug with the coordinate system when forming theTool list
- Fixed bugs in the Drawing mode
- Fixed a bug when setting the approach in the 6D Contour operation
- Fixed a bug when working with snap
- Fixed general bugs in MachineMaker
- Fixed errors when working with a 3D model in turning operations
- Fixed the appearance of critical errors in the simulation
- Fixed the appearance of critical errors when working with geometry
- Fixed a bug with constraint inheritance
- Fixed a bug with the selection of geometric elements
- Fixed a bug with setting processing levels in the 2D Contour operation
- Fixed a bug when working with toolpath reproduction
- Fixed a bug when working in solid modeling mode
- Fixed a bug when calculating the trajectory in the 2D Contour operation
- Fixed a bug with setting approaches and exits when working with the outdated Equidistant strategy
- Fixed bugs when working with polar interpolation
- Fixed a bug in the operation Working with counter spindle
- Fixed bugs in 6D Contour operation
- Fixed errors when closing the SprutCAM window on a running simulation
- Fixed a bug in the preview when copying
- Fixed bugs in the operation 5D Surfacing
- Fixed a bug in inheriting the snap-in from operation to operation
- Fixed a bug when working with a robot on a rail
- Fixed a bug when entering a fractional number in the arc radius when building by touch
- Fixed a bug when working with snap
- Fixed a bug in the Turning Interception operation
- Fixed a bug when working with the splitter of the left panel of the main window
- Fixed errors in MachineMaker when creating a cobot after a robot
- Fixed errors when creating a copy of a part
- Fixed bugs with importing a model in 3dm format
- Fixed a bug with the task of the lower level
- Fixed bugs with previewing the processing result in Solid mode
- Fixed a bug when adding a postprocessor from a folder
- Fixed critical errors when working with the drawing
- Fixed an issue with SprutCAM freezing using Toolholder Control in a 5D mesh operation
- Fixed a bug when working with multiple tools on the robot
- Fixed a bug in the 3D Spiral operation
- Fixed approach/departure extensions in 2D contour when using spiral toolpath
A total of 128 changes were made to SprutCAM containing bug fixes and workflow improvements.
Users with active technical support have already received notifications about the release of the new release and can upgrade.
If you have any issues, please, contact our support team.