Crazy complex clock projects

Crazy complex clock projects | SprutCAM X9 stycznia, 2023

Good beginning of the year from roguetoolpath and their crazy project of the clock.

“Crazy complex clock projects. Im guessing It will take months working on this off and on to finish these in a few different styles and materials. So nice to have good drawing and cam tools. Also a nice computer to model and organize the hundreds of cad, cam and g-code files this project will take. I have about 3 sets of plastic parts, next will be wood variants shown and then a few aluminum variants sprinkled in to compliment my signature style. Last picture shows where the cad cam magic happens.
All models drawn with ironcad and all cam g-code is generated in Sprutcam 15. No hand coding here :) lol even a simple gear designed for router g-code format has some 26 thousand lines of code.”

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Crazy complex clock projects | SprutCAM X
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