programming (OLP)
with SprutCAM X Robot
programming (OLP)
with SprutCAM X Robot
Did you know that SprutCAM X Robot offers a natural, easy and convenient way to program robots?
There are 2 main ways to program robots: offline and online
Key benefits of using OLP
Offline programming (OLP)
Is carried out on a separate PC using specialized software capable of simulating the processing on a digital model of a specific robot. With digital twin technology, you can continue to use a real robot at a production site without disrupting the manufacturing process while the next executable program is being developed in an external 3D design system.
Using OLP, a new processing program is launched on the robot in just a few hours, which are only required to set it up in real production conditions.

Key benefits of using OLP:
SprutCAM X Robot provides a convenient and natural robot programming environment,
in which the interaction of an engineer with a robot, tool and product is as close to reality as possible.
It seamlessly integrates offline programming, simulation and code generation, delivering quick, error-free industrial robot programs. Some robotic solutions require the purchase of a separate CAM system for full operation. In the case of SprutCAM X Robot, you do not need anything else.
SprutCAM X Robot is a complete, seamless offline industrial robot programming solution that provides:
- Robotic cell zero-code digital twin builder
- Technology setup and toolpath calculation
- Simulation
- Robot kinematics optimization for singularity avoidance and collision free movements
- Postprocessing
- G-code verification
SprutCAM X Robot is the ideal offline robot programming and robot simulation software solution for all applications that require CAD/CAM for robots.