5D robot printing by Blueflame 3D technology

5D robot printing by Blueflame 3D technology | SprutCAM X2월 1, 2021

This is 5D robot printing with a refurbished robot powered by SprutCAM and HB3D/ Blueflame3D technology. 5D is not about the dimension of the workpiece. 5D is related to the 5 degrees of freedom of the print head and the printable object. So instead of a flat layer, this printer produces curved layers. This object is a part of the Beecare totem.

More info about the product to be found at bijgeloof.nu

See more info and posts on the IRS Robotics Facebook page

Programmed in SprutCAM X Robot

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5D robot printing by Blueflame 3D technology | SprutCAM X
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