

SprutCAM X 및 SprutCAM X 로봇 사용자 여러분!
여러분의 놀라운 프로젝트와 창작물을 #PoweredBySprutCAM 갤러리에서 선보이게 되어 기쁩니다.
해시태그 #파워드바이스프룻캠을 사용하여 여러분의 작품을 소셜 미디어에 공유하여 소개될 수 있는 기회를 잡아보세요!

  • SprutCAM India - Sandstone CNC milling machining | SprutCAM X

German gear manufacturer decides in favor of SprutCAM X Robot

4월 20th, 2024|

German gear manufacturer, KORDEL Antriebstechnik GmbH, has automated its gearbox production by integrating SprutCAM X Robot software (supplied by CAD/CAM Systeme Datentechnik Reitz GmbH & Co) and a Fanuc M-710ic robot. The robot's superior [...]

  • SprutCAM India - Sandstone CNC milling machining | SprutCAM X


8월 5th, 2020|

Additive operation and the parts made by our Chinese partner Chen

  • SprutCAM India - Sandstone CNC milling machining | SprutCAM X

Painting by SprutCAM

8월 4th, 2020|

With SprutCAM it is possible to generate strategies for painting and applying coating on complex surfaces using the 3D model. With the simulation of the application, we can checkpoints of material accumulation, modifying the path if necessary, in [...]

  • SprutCAM India - Sandstone CNC milling machining | SprutCAM X

Carving by SprutCAM

8월 3rd, 2020|

All Pillars carving is done with support from Sprutcam software. By Sprutcam Ind

SprutCAM Robot – Plasma cutting

7월 30th, 2020|

Offline programming of robots for such operations as plasma cutting, water jet cutting machining, deburring quickly, safely, and high quality using SprutCAM. By COMAC Soluções em CAD CAM

  • SprutCAM India - Sandstone CNC milling machining | SprutCAM X

Little Mermaid

7월 27th, 2020|

The amazing little mermaid that is created by SprutCAM Robot and KUKA Robot. Created by DS Decore

  • SprutCAM India - Sandstone CNC milling machining | SprutCAM X

Offline Robot programming

7월 24th, 2020|

Offline Robot programming is available for universities. Can be used for milling, lathe, laser cutting, wire EDM, swiss type. Video by our Thailand dealer Chayapon Jaikongkaew

  • SprutCAM India - Sandstone CNC milling machining | SprutCAM X

SprutCAM on 5axis machine

7월 23rd, 2020|

We have customers and dealers all over the world. This is using of SprutCAM on 5x machine from our Chinese dealer Chen

  • SprutCAM India - Sandstone CNC milling machining | SprutCAM X

Robotic hot wire cutting a huge part

7월 22nd, 2020|

"Here we're roughing out a part with the hot wire cutter, after this process a conventional foam milling process will complete the part. The robot is a KUKA and offline programming was done with SprutCAM robot." Special Patterns, [...]

  • SprutCAM India - Sandstone CNC milling machining | SprutCAM X

Koala made by SprutCAM

7월 22nd, 2020|

A lot of amazing companies are using SprutCAM, some of them are our dealers. Special Patterns is one of such companies from Australia, that create different figures and sculptures. Here you can see how they created Koala. [...]

  • SprutCAM India - Sandstone CNC milling machining | SprutCAM X

Laser mask

7월 22nd, 2020|

SprutCAM + laser mask/ Robot High-technology Done by SprutCAM Thailand

  • SprutCAM India - Sandstone CNC milling machining | SprutCAM X

For pharmacy by Hermle machine

7월 21st, 2020|

Another element of the prototype machines for the pharmaceutical industry Machine: Hermle C400 Machining software: SprutCAM Created by Sacher

  • SprutCAM India - Sandstone CNC milling machining | SprutCAM X

For pharmacy

7월 21st, 2020|

Work on the prototype machine detail for the pharmaceutical industry Machine: Hermle C400 Machining software: SprutCAM Made by Sacher

  • SprutCAM India - Sandstone CNC milling machining | SprutCAM X

ABS plastic trimming

7월 21st, 2020|

The team tested the work of the trimmings using plastic ABS plastic. Edging works are suitable for drilling, cutting, and holding the edges of the workpiece. The cropping robot is able to meet the needs of the job: [...]

  • CNC machine

One for your CNC machine

7월 20th, 2020|

SprutCAM - one solution for many CNC machines in the work. Created by our customer Dhmhtrhs Sofos Find your solution for your machines.

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온라인 강좌를 수강하여 SprutCAM X를 배우고 수료 후 인증서를 받으세요.

SprutCAM India - Sandstone CNC milling machining | SprutCAM X