The Aztec Calendar by Robotic Laser Cutting

The Aztec Calendar by Robotic Laser Cutting | SprutCAM Xiunie 22, 2024

The Aztec Calendar by Robotic Laser Cutting | SprutCAM XMexico

How about taking a little dip into history? Many are familiar with the Aztec calendar, also known as the Sun Stone. The original monument, crafted from basalt, measures 3.60 meters in diameter, 1.22 meters in thickness, and weighs 24 tons. It resides in Mexico.

Our colleagues at Arcmex in Mexico have created their version of the calendar. This smaller replica, made of wood, was produced using a robot and laser cutting technology in SprutCAM X Robot.

Imagine creating your own story, etched in wood, stone, or metal. With SprutCAM X Robot, you can bring your ideas to life. Share your creations on social media and tag our accounts—we’d love to showcase your achievements.

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The Aztec Calendar by Robotic Laser Cutting | SprutCAM X
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