Robot milling from Bat-Tech Italia

Robot milling from Bat-Tech Italia | SprutCAM X11월 29, 2021

Look at these robot milling figures. I think all of you know these characters and they are amazing.

These figures are made SprutCAM Robot soft by Bat-Tech Italia.

Our creations of Super Mario Bros, Crash Bandicoot, and Pac-Man made in polystyrene, milled, resin and painted are present at the first big international exhibition in the world of video games.
Starting today, November 26th, you can find them at the Salone degli Incanti di Trieste.
Le nostre realizzazioni di Super Mario Bros, Crash Bandicoot e Pac-Man realizzati in polistirolo, fresati, resinati e verniciati sono presenti alla prima grande mostra internazionale sul mondo dei videogiochi.
Da oggi, 26 novembre, potrete trovarli al Salone degli Incanti di Trieste.
Find your regional supplier and create your amazings.

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Robot milling from Bat-Tech Italia | SprutCAM X
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