KUKA Robotic Arm Milling Stone Sculpture

KUKA Robotic Arm Milling Stone Sculpture | SprutCAM X6월 2, 2024

KUKA Robotic Arm Milling Stone Sculpture | SprutCAM XChina

We strive to spotlight the most captivating projects our users are sharing on social media from around the globe. Today, we’re connecting with Jinan UnionTech Machinery Co., Ltd. in China. A manager from the company Bill Su shared an impressive video featuring a KUKA KR210 robot carving a stone statue using SprutCAM X Robot. Witness how effortlessly the robot handles the hard stone, with our CAM system ensuring the creation of the fastest and most precise tool paths, delivering exactly what the user envisioned.

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KUKA Robotic Arm Milling Stone Sculpture | SprutCAM X
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