A torso by KUKA robot milling from Art 3D Sevilla

A torso by KUKA robot milling from Art 3D Sevilla | SprutCAM X1월 10, 2022

A new project from Art 3D Sevilla

“Mecanizado con Robot de torso en madera de pino para la construcción de cuerpo anatomizadlo para un Nazareno. Torso que fue adaptado en el pose que el cliente necesitaba para su obra.”

“Mechanized with Robot torso in pinewood for the construction of an anatomized body for a Nazarene. A torso that was adapted in the pose that the client needed for his work.”

Find out more about SprutCAM Robot on our site.

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A torso by KUKA robot milling from Art 3D Sevilla | SprutCAM X
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