Scenic Design: SprutCAM Robot X powers 7-axis robotic arm to create large scale clown figure

Scenic Design: SprutCAM Robot X powers 7-axis robotic arm to create large scale clown figure | SprutCAM XMarzo 1, 2024

Scenic Design: SprutCAM Robot X powers 7-axis robotic arm to create large scale clown figure | SprutCAM XIsrael

Are you looking for a CAD/CAM system to solve your artistic needs? You have come to the right place. Here is just one of the many examples of how SprutCAM X Robot is helping various artists around the world bring their ideas to life.

In 2022, our Israeli customer Yair Zigron, founder of YairWorkshop, shared the complete process of creating a large scale clown figure to serve as stage decoration for an entertainment event.

Here’s the full video of how it was made and how it looked on stage at the festival.

The software used to complete the project:

CAD: Rhino 7; CAM: SprutCAM X Robot. The robot used was Fanuc 710. Project design developed by: Giorgos Stylianou-Matsis.

Here is another example of how SprutCAM X Robot CAD/CAM system is used to make stage decoration. If you would like to learn more about CAD/CAM for artistic needs, please check out the links below:
CAD/CAM for Film and Entertainment, CAD/CAM for Art.



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Scenic Design: SprutCAM Robot X powers 7-axis robotic arm to create large scale clown figure | SprutCAM X
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