Additive Manufacturing of Artistic Objects: Robotic 3D Printing by Yair Workshop

Additive Manufacturing of Artistic Objects: Robotic 3D Printing by Yair Workshop | SprutCAM XJanuar 28, 2024

Additive Manufacturing of Artistic Objects: Robotic 3D Printing by Yair Workshop | SprutCAM XIsrael

See an example of artistic objects created using additive manufacturing programmed in SprutCAM X Robot CAD CAM software.

This project was realized by Yair Workshop, Israel, an artistic creation workshop. Nestled within the CNC Veliz company, Yair Workshop offers formal cutting services alongside innovative 3D printing powered by SprutCAM X Robot.

Witness the process of robotic 3D printing as layers are meticulously added, bringing intricate designs to fruition.

See other examples of SprutCAM X used for creating artistic objects. Experience the fusion of creativity and precision powered by our CAD CAM system.

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Additive Manufacturing of Artistic Objects: Robotic 3D Printing by Yair Workshop | SprutCAM X
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