Holiday Season: Gift Idea Made with SprutCAM X on a Tormach CNC Router

Holiday Season: Gift Idea Made with SprutCAM X on a Tormach CNC Router | SprutCAM X27 12 月, 2023

Holiday Season: Gift Idea Made with SprutCAM X on a Tormach CNC Router | SprutCAM XUSA

Holiday Season: Gift Idea Made with SprutCAM X on a Tormach CNC Router | SprutCAM X

Christmas is over, New Year’s Eve is ahead. It’s not too late to wish your colleagues and clients a Happy New Year if you have SprutCAM X at hand.
This is an example of  a gift made with SprutCAM X by our customer Roguetoolpath using a Tormach CNC router.

Are you ready for the holidays? We look forward to seeing your original products and greetings using SprutCAM X, SprutCAM X Robot and MachineMaker. Tag our social media accounts or use the hashtag #sprutcam



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Holiday Season: Gift Idea Made with SprutCAM X on a Tormach CNC Router | SprutCAM X