

Sevgili SprutCAM X ve SprutCAM X Robot kullanıcıları!
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Öne çıkma şansı için #poweredbysprutcam hashtag’ini kullanarak çalışmalarınızı sosyal medyada paylaşın!

  • stone milling

Robotic stone milling by UnionRobot

Haziran 23rd, 2024|

How about seeing a robotic arm work on stone? Our users from China UnionRobot have shared their process of sculpting masterpieces with their robot, powered by SprutCAM X Robot using stone milling. Witness the fusion of technology [...]

  • Laser cutting

The Aztec Calendar by Robotic Laser Cutting

Haziran 22nd, 2024|

How about taking a little dip into history? Many are familiar with the Aztec calendar, also known as the Sun Stone. The original monument, crafted from basalt, measures 3.60 meters in diameter, 1.22 meters [...]

  • Robotic stone milling by UnionRobot | SprutCAM X

Stone milling with KUKA Robot

Haziran 15th, 2024|

For centuries, stone has been a fundamental material in constructing houses, decorations, and interior elements. While these tasks were traditionally completed by hand, modern technology now allows for automation. Our clients from Turkey, Gürmas Gürel Mekatronik, demonstrate [...]

  • Robotic stone milling by UnionRobot | SprutCAM X

Sacrario Monte Grappa model drawing and milling by HAAS machine

Haziran 8th, 2024|

Creating layouts of real objects is now possible directly in SprutCAM X, eliminating the need for third-party programs. Our Italian client, Sergio Baggio from New Mec Baggio di Rosà (tv), demonstrated this capability impressively. He worked on [...]

  • milling stone

KUKA Robotic Arm Milling Stone Sculpture

Haziran 2nd, 2024|

We strive to spotlight the most captivating projects our users are sharing on social media from around the globe. Today, we're connecting with Jinan UnionTech Machinery Co., Ltd. in China. A manager from the company Bill Su [...]

  • Robotic stone milling by UnionRobot | SprutCAM X

Aluminium parts for a WW2 fighter aircraft

Şubat 16th, 2025|

Solo Precision Ltd., our partner in the United Kingdom, has posted online photos of their latest projects. Aluminum parts for a restored WW2 Spitfire aircraft. There was some fixturing required for the reamed hole [...]

  • Robotic stone milling by UnionRobot | SprutCAM X

Catamaran shaped boat from Amsterdam

Şubat 15th, 2025|

As you know, SprutCAM X Robot is the perfect offline robot programming solution for additive manufacturing. Here is a good example. Amsterdam based partner company HB3D 3D printed a 4.5 m and 600 kg [...]

  • Milling

Milling of Steel Parts with SprutCAM X

Mayıs 25th, 2024|

Another example of clean machine operation combined with the use of SprutCAM X from Poland is showcased by our user, DWJ Narzędziownia CNC Sp.z.o.o. Specializing in CNC machining, they produce various parts with precision [...]

  • laser cutting

SprutCAM X Robot’s Laser Cutting-Edge Automation

Mayıs 25th, 2024|

SprutCAM X Robot continues to evolve, ensuring our users achieve the most accurate results possible. Recently, our SprutCAM China reseller showcased an impressive example of laser cutting with a Fanuc robot and [...]

  • Robotic stone milling by UnionRobot | SprutCAM X

Transformative Art with SprutCAM X Robot

Mayıs 18th, 2024|

Often, our customers use SprutCAM X Robot for a small segment of a larger, complex project, usually for some transformative art. Sometimes it's just a preparatory step and other times it's an [...]

  • obotic cell for polishing

Robotic cell for polishing and grinding from Hungary

Mayıs 18th, 2024|

Robot-Service Kft., our esteemed customer from Hungary, demonstrates the impressive capabilities of their robotic cell for polishing and grinding applications. One of the key benefits of utilizing this robotic cell is its remarkable speed and high accuracy, [...]

  • Robotic stone milling by UnionRobot | SprutCAM X

Empowering Minds, Shaping the Future: The SprutCAM Thailand Story

Mayıs 11th, 2024|

Discover the vibrant synergy between technology, education, and innovation with SprutCAM X Robot. Our resellers worldwide are not just distributors; they're catalysts for growth and collaboration. Today, we're excited to spotlight SprutCAM Thailand, [...]

  • Robotic stone milling by UnionRobot | SprutCAM X

Intuitive CAM for self-made CNC machine

Mayıs 4th, 2024|

Alex Baeck from Australia is a hobbyist and has chosen SprutCAM X for his self-made CNC milling machine. That is what he says about SprutCAM X. I’m Alex, an automation/robotics engineer. I’m also [...]

  • Robotic stone milling by UnionRobot | SprutCAM X

Weekdays for Tormach CNC machine and SprutCAM X users

Nisan 28th, 2024|

Amidst the whirlwind of projects that inundate our users' workshops, there's one exception that never fails to maintain clarity and efficiency: roguetoolpath. With his Tormach PC NC 1100 CNC machine tirelessly humming away and [...]

  • robotic painting

Supersonic robotic painting with ABB

Nisan 28th, 2024|

Step into the future of precision manufacturing with SprutCAM X Robot, as showcased by our dynamic reseller, SprutCAM China. Continuously pushing boundaries, they unveil the astonishing capabilities of robotic cells. Today's spotlight: ultrasonic robotic painting by an [...]

  • Robotic stone milling by UnionRobot | SprutCAM X

German gear manufacturer decides in favor of SprutCAM X Robot

Nisan 20th, 2024|

German gear manufacturer, KORDEL Antriebstechnik GmbH, has automated its gearbox production by integrating SprutCAM X Robot software (supplied by CAD/CAM Systeme Datentechnik Reitz GmbH & Co) and a Fanuc M-710ic robot. The robot's superior [...]

  • Robotic stone milling by UnionRobot | SprutCAM X

Creating a wooden wonder woman using SprutCAM X Robot

Nisan 20th, 2024|

Have you ever seen a Robot with a chainsaw and then a cutter? With SprutCAM X Robot you can completely program and simulate the work cycle including head change. In this short video, we see that the [...]

  • Robotic stone milling by UnionRobot | SprutCAM X

Arcmex Robotics from Colombia about using SprutCAM X Robot

Nisan 13th, 2024|

We're excited to share some insights from our long-standing users. Lic López, representing Arcmex Robotics in Colombia, shares his experience with our product, SprutCAM X Robot: "At Arcmex Robotics, we pride [...]

  • Disk cutting

Disk Cutting and Milling Using SprutCAM X

Nisan 6th, 2024|

Explore the innovative application of SprutCAM X showcased in our latest publication, where we delve into the precision cutting and milling of aluminum disks on a single MTM machine. This insightful case [...]

  • Robotic stone milling by UnionRobot | SprutCAM X

Fanuc robot Pick-and-Place operation

Nisan 6th, 2024|

Robots are utilized across numerous fields, not just for milling various materials, for welding, or for cutting, but also for the essential task of transporting various items, achieved through the pick-and-place operation. This operation becomes crucial when [...]

  • Robot sculpting

Robotic sculpting of Easter decorations

Mart 29th, 2024|

Robotic sculpting in SprutCAM X: Looking to create jaw-dropping scenery sculptures on a large scale? Look no further than harnessing the power of robotics! Our SprutCAM X Robot users know just [...]

  • 5-axis laser cutting

5-axis laser cutting powered by SprutCAM X Robot

Mart 27th, 2024|

Check out this impressive demonstration of advanced manufacturing technology from our valued Chinese reseller, SprutCAM China. Witness the precision and efficiency of 5-axis laser cutting in action, as showcased through the customer's robotic cell programmed by SprutCAM [...]

  • Robotic stone milling by UnionRobot | SprutCAM X

SprutCAM X: 5-axis CNC machine saw disk milling

Mart 22nd, 2024|

Witness the marvel of precision engineering as our esteemed Chinese reseller, SprutCAM China, unveils a captivating video showcasing 5-axis saw disk milling on a CNC machine powered by SprutCAM X. Delve into the realm of cutting-edge technology [...]

  • 3D printing

3D printing on Yaskawa robot with SprutCAM X Robot

Mart 22nd, 2024|

Discover the future of manufacturing with Radu Ovidiu Zaporojan's groundbreaking innovation: 3D printing with robots. Leveraging the precision of SprutCAM X Robot echnology integrated seamlessly with Yaskawa solutions, this cutting-edge approach to 3D printing has been revolutionizing [...]

  • robotic painting

Robotic painting with Motoman robot

Mart 17th, 2024|

The role of robots in modern manufacturing plants is nothing short of remarkable. With their versatility and precision, they streamline processes and enhance productivity like never before. Take, for instance, the Motoman MPX1950 [...]

Deneme sürümünü edinin ve çevrimiçi öğrenmeye başlayın

Yazılımın yeteneklerini keşfetmek için SprutCAM X veya SprutCAM X Robot’un ücretsiz deneme sürümünü indirin.
SprutCAM X’i öğrenmek için çevrimiçi kurslara katılın ve tamamladığınızda bir sertifika alın.

Robotic stone milling by UnionRobot | SprutCAM X