SprutCAM X website now multilingual

SprutCAM X website now multilingual | SprutCAM Xáprilis 25, 2024

SprutCAM X website now multilingual | SprutCAM X

SprutCAM X website now multilingual!

The SprutCAM X website is now available in 22 languages.

You can now manually switch the language by selecting your preferred language in the website footer. Additionally, the website can be automatically displayed in the language of your Google search query. The translated pages are fully indexed by Google and already rank highly for many language-specific searches.

Please note that some content, such as the latest news updates, will remain in English.

Looking ahead:

Expanding language options: we are working to add more languages.
Enhanced Language Selection: we are working on a more convenient language selection feature to make navigation and selection easier.

We need your feedback:

We would greatly appreciate your feedback on the current translations. Your input will help us ensure that the translations meet our high standards for accuracy and clarity.

Thank you for being part of our community. We look forward to making www.sprutcam.com even more accessible to users around the world.

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SprutCAM X website now multilingual | SprutCAM X
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