Motoman Robot Cladding with SprutCAM X

Motoman Robot Cladding with SprutCAM X | SprutCAM Xmájus 19, 2023

The cladding module in SprutCAM X Robot is an optional feature that enables users to perform additive manufacturing operations, such as area cladding. This module is not restricted to any specific cladding technology or equipment, making it a versatile solution for users.

By utilizing the geometry of the process, the module generates toolpaths that sequentially pass over specified surfaces, layer by layer, to reproduce them from the bottom up. Users can customize the operation to work with their specific equipment by incorporating appropriate control commands into the postprocessor. Alternatively, they can create a specialized operation based on the universal additive operations, tailored to their specific equipment.

Chinese partners from Sprut Software Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. recently completed a successful project using the cladding module. It’s important to note that this option requires a separate license, but it provides significant value for users interested in exploring the potential of additive manufacturing.

Additive manufacturing is universal approach and compatibility with various equipment types make it a valuable addition to any user’s repertoire.

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Motoman Robot Cladding with SprutCAM X | SprutCAM X
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