SprutCAM X Robot’s Laser Cutting-Edge Automation

SprutCAM X Robot's Laser Cutting-Edge Automation | SprutCAM XMai 25, 2024

SprutCAM X Robot's Laser Cutting-Edge Automation | SprutCAM XChina

SprutCAM X Robot continues to evolve, ensuring our users achieve the most accurate results possible. Recently, our SprutCAM China reseller showcased an impressive example of laser cutting with a Fanuc robot and a 2-axis positioner. The final result features perfectly cut edges, exemplifying the high quality of our process automation. This demonstration underscores the precision and reliability that SprutCAM X Robot delivers, highlighting our commitment to excellence in automation technology.

To compose your robotic cell as accurately as possible, use the built-in MachineMaker program.

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SprutCAM X Robot's Laser Cutting-Edge Automation | SprutCAM X
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