Refining the design of the jack screws

Refining the design of the jack screws | SprutCAM X18 dubna, 2023

The use of CNC machines in the public domain opens up possibilities for creating unique and innovative products. Whether it’s something extraordinary or simply refining everyday items, machines can bring ideas to life.

One such SprutCAM X user who has been utilizing the potential of machines Roguetoolpath. In this article, we’ll explore his experience in modernizing jack screws.

According to roguetoolpath, he conducted a quick design study refinement for several machinist jack screws, creating them in different sizes and styles from material drops he had lying around. He tested and used them to determine which features he liked and which he didn’t, refining the tool paths and experimenting with various fabrication methods on both the lathe and mill.

While this work may not be rocket science, roguetoolpath sees it as an opportunity to learn new processes, tricks, and settings to use in future projects. He also finds joy in creating useful tools from bins of cutoffs and leftovers that accumulate in his workspace.

Overall, roguetoolpath’s experience showcases the potential of machines to bring ideas to life and the importance of continuous experimentation and learning.

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Refining the design of the jack screws | SprutCAM X
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