Fanuc robot Pick-and-Place operation

Fanuc robot Pick-and-Place operation | SprutCAM XApril 6, 2024

Fanuc robot Pick-and-Place operation | SprutCAM XChina

Robots are utilized across numerous fields, not just for milling various materials, for welding, or for cutting, but also for the essential task of transporting various items, achieved through the pick-and-place operation. This operation becomes crucial when your production is fully automated.

SprutCAM X Robot supports this option. In our robot library, you can find various end effectors, which enable the gripping process.

An example of using this operation is from our Chinese colleagues SprutCAM China. They have implemented pick-and-place robotics in the customer’s manufacturing processes.

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Tải xuống phiên bản dùng thử miễn phí của SprutCAM X hoặc SprutCAM X Robot để khám phá các khả năng của phần mềm. Tham gia các khóa học trực tuyến để học SprutCAM X và nhận chứng chỉ sau khi hoàn thành.

Fanuc robot Pick-and-Place operation | SprutCAM X
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