

Kính gửi người dùng SprutCAM X và SprutCAM X Robot! Chúng tôi rất vui được giới thiệu các dự án và sáng tạo đáng kinh ngạc của bạn trong thư viện #PoweredBySprutCAM của chúng tôi. Chia sẻ tác phẩm của bạn trên mạng xã hội bằng cách sử dụng hashtag #Powerbysprutcam để có cơ hội được giới thiệu!

  • Morph machining by SprutCAM Robot | SprutCAM X

Intuitive CAM for self-made CNC machine

May 4th, 2024|

Alex Baeck from Australia is a hobbyist and has chosen SprutCAM X for his self-made CNC milling machine. That is what he says about SprutCAM X. I’m Alex, an automation/robotics engineer. I’m also [...]


SprutCAM, SolidWorks and OKUMA

March 3rd, 2021|

SprutCAM works with different CNC machines. It supports lots of operations like drilling, milling, lathe, cutting, mill-turn, etc. In this video drilling of different holes by the OKUMA machine is shown.  Also, you can see that SprutCAM [...]

  • Quadruple ABB WaterJet cutting

WaterJet cutting by Quadruple ABB robots

March 2nd, 2021|

Our partner from China works masterfully with robots and finds unusual solutions for different situations. Here is an example of using 4 ABB robots at the same time for a waterjet operation. On our site, you can [...]

  • Saw Roughing operation

SprutCAM saw roughing operation

March 1st, 2021|

The very first thing any machining begins with is roughing operation. This example uses a roughing saw. Yes, SprutCAM supports saws, along with milling. Want to know more about all the possibilities of SprutCAM for CNC machines? [...]

  • Blueflame3D & SprutCAM Robot milling

Blueflame3D & SprutCAM Robot milling programming

February 26th, 2021|

This is leading Blueflame3D & SprutCAM Technology to the max! A mold for a boat has been 5D robot printed and then finished by 3D robot milling programming at the HB3D Blueflame3D HQ Amsterdam for Paul Dijkstra [...]

  • 5-axis milling by Hermle C 400

5-axis milling by Hermle C 400

February 25th, 2021|

SprutCAM supports 5-axis milling on CNC machines. Sacher company uses Hermle C400 machine for creating lots of different parts that you can see on their Facebook page and Instagram channel. Some project [...]

  • Reis robot cutting

Robot cutting with Reis robot

February 24th, 2021|

Another robot cutting project in Aquaestil (Croatia). In this case, there was an app for cutting. SprutCAM Robot has is a powerful solution for multiaxis cutting programming thanks to tool vector editing ability and unrivaled workflow for [...]

  • GSK RH06 robot welding

Robot welding programming by the GSK RH06

February 20th, 2021|

Robot welding of the body by the GSK-RH06 robot. The video shows an example of welding the body by a robot with the help of SprutCAM Robot. The NC code allows for bypassing the burner collisions with [...]

  • robot milling

KUKA robot milling with rotary table

February 15th, 2021|

Kuka robot milling with rotary table. A project from our customers in Tallin, Estonia. Programmed in SprutCAM Robot The rotary table helps robots to be more maneuverable and to perform even better processing. In SprutCAM, you can [...]

  • Chinese ox by robot milling

Chinese new year greetings from SprutCAM China

February 12th, 2021|

It's time for the greetings of a New Year. That's an excellent solution to use a robot because by robot milling you can machine the symbol of the year. Our Chinese partner congratulates all customers and partners [...]

  • ЕКВЫ robot milling

TRDS and ABB Robot milling

February 10th, 2021|

Robot Milling by SprutCAM using ABB IRB 6700 robot with 7 Axis Rotary Table and Simulation with SprutCAM For SprutCAM program, genuine copyright. Good price with training. ABB IRB 6700 with 7 Axis Rotary Table. TRDS Robotics [...]

  • CNC milling

SprutCAM India – Sandstone CNC milling machining

February 8th, 2021|

CNC milling is one of the main operations for most industries. SprutCAM guarantees high quality and results. Easy to use operations. Created by our Indian supplier. See the original post on Facebook

  • Morph machining by SprutCAM Robot | SprutCAM X

SprutCAM at Aernnova

February 5th, 2021|

Aernnova Aerospace, a leader in the design and manufacture of aerostructures, incorporates SprutCAM for its facilities in Miñano. Together with our partner Mek & Bot we have participated in a project to improve the production process of metal components [...]

  • Morph machining by SprutCAM Robot | SprutCAM X

SprutCAM at Gestamp

February 5th, 2021|

Gestamp is dedicated to the design, development, and manufacture of metallic components for the automobile, incorporating SprutCAM. Together with our partner Mek & Bot we have participated in a project to implement the manufacture of components for electric cars [...]

  • ETNA robot milling

Venere di Milo by robot milling

February 3rd, 2021|

An elegant robot milling? Easy! The Aphrodite of Milo, better known as Venus de Milo, is one of the most famous Greek statues. This particular version in Etna lava stone is ideal for decorating your exteriors and [...]

  • 5D robot printing

5D robot printing by Blueflame 3D technology

February 1st, 2021|

This is 5D robot printing with a refurbished robot powered by SprutCAM and HB3D/ Blueflame3D technology. 5D is not about the dimension of the workpiece. 5D is related to the 5 degrees of freedom of the print head [...]

  • 3D printing

3D printing by additive

January 27th, 2021|

3D printing has become more popular our days. This method allows you to obtain geometry. That is impossible or problematic to obtain using classical cutting methods. Low weight and high material utilization are the main advantages of [...]

  • Morph machining by SprutCAM Robot | SprutCAM X

Small part by Sacher

January 25th, 2021|

Did you know that it's possible to create tiny parts too? Machine: Hermle C 400 Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG Machining software: SprutCAM See the original post on Sacher Facebook page

  • Morph machining by SprutCAM Robot | SprutCAM X

CNC school for children in Bosnia

January 19th, 2021|

In the video, Jasmin explains his future plans. Until one year ago he only built CNC machines and next to that he has his school. Jasmin started this school with his own money, so no government was involved. [...]

  • robots in medicine

CNC Robots in medicine by SprutCAM

January 18th, 2021|

Robots are used in many areas of our life that we do not even know about. CNC Robots in medicine is a huge step in medicine and in robot world. Here is an [...]

  • ABB + rotory table

TR DS – ABB plus rotary table

January 15th, 2021|

Our new customers often ask about different robots and configurations, if SprutCAM works with their robot. Here you can see an example of ABB IRB 6700 working with 7 Axis Rotary Table. Video created by TR DS [...]

  • Morph machining by SprutCAM Robot | SprutCAM X

8-axis cladding by Yaskawa Robot

January 13th, 2021|

SprutCAM Robot in cooperation with 8-axis YASKAWA Robot. Example of Cladding operation created by our Chinese partners. See more interesting on Chen's Facebook

  • Morph machining by SprutCAM Robot | SprutCAM X

TQM – Italy

January 11th, 2021|

Testimony: TQM is a highly technological Italian company that uses 𝗦𝗽𝗿𝘂𝘁ℂ𝔸𝕄 with satisfaction to program its 5-axis numerical control machines. Video by our Italian reseller: Magister. See more interesting on his Facebook page and YouTube channel. [...]

  • Morph machining by SprutCAM Robot | SprutCAM X

Robot welding

December 28th, 2020|

Here you can see the welding operation by SprutCAM Robot. Created by Ubaldo Garcia Zaragoza from XMART PLM. See the original post on Facebook

Nhận phiên bản dùng thử và bắt đầu học trực tuyến

Tải xuống phiên bản dùng thử miễn phí của SprutCAM X hoặc SprutCAM X Robot để khám phá các khả năng của phần mềm. Tham gia các khóa học trực tuyến để học SprutCAM X và nhận chứng chỉ sau khi hoàn thành.

Morph machining by SprutCAM Robot | SprutCAM X