Kính gửi người dùng SprutCAM X và SprutCAM X Robot! Chúng tôi rất vui được giới thiệu các dự án và sáng tạo đáng kinh ngạc của bạn trong thư viện #PoweredBySprutCAM của chúng tôi. Chia sẻ tác phẩm của bạn trên mạng xã hội bằng cách sử dụng hashtag #Powerbysprutcam để có cơ hội được giới thiệu!
Empowering Minds, Shaping the Future: The SprutCAM Thailand Story
Discover the vibrant synergy between technology, education, and innovation with SprutCAM X Robot. Our resellers worldwide are not just distributors; they're catalysts for growth and collaboration. Today, we're excited to spotlight SprutCAM Thailand, [...]
Tiny milling by Sacher
We like tiny milling that our users share with us. Small parts are more difficult to manufacture. Therefore, accuracy is very important for them. Especially when it comes to any medical equipment. This [...]
Milling by ABB and SprutCAM Robot
Nioform shared its large-scale work using ABB robot and SprutCAM Robot. You can see more details in the Mattias Bäcklin and Nioform account. Work in progress for mattiasbacklin - milling his sketches in oak. 1500+ [...]
Parts for Ford cars by CNC machine milling
One of the most common operations that our users select is CNC machine milling. Among our users, there are car manufacturers and those who are engaged in pumping cars and motorcycles. This video was provided by the [...]
5-axis machining by SprutCAM
Just look at this 4 in 1 manifold that machined from solid by using 5-axis machining. A great job was done by an Italian customer - MPZ s.r.l. See more information about 5-axis machining by SprutCAM [...]
6-axis Robot Knife Cutting
Another project from Chinese partners. Example of 6-Axis Robot Knife Cutting. RTCP AC+B. See the original post and more interesting on Chen's Facebook page.
SprutCAM for EDU in Smederevo Technical School
Another example of using SprutCAM in educational institutions. Smederevo Technical School has been using SprutCAM for years. It has different CNC machines, and SprutCAM helps to perform student projects on machines. Our supplier in Serbia [...]
SprutCAM for PressMetal (Greece)
Our reseller from Greece kindly shared the story of one of his customers, for whom the past year was difficult, as it was for everyone. They opened SprutCAM [...]
Roughing waterline of the blow mold
Roughing waterline of the blow mold Machine: Hermle C 400 Machining Programming: SprutCAM Created by Sacher. See the original post on Facebook
Additive by KUKA Robot
Additive manufacturing is not the only 3D printer. Just check this out! Stunning results with a revolutionary Blueflame3D solution at the HB3D Headquarters in Amsterdam! Check this SprutCAM powered IRS Robotics for refurbished industrial robots robot 3D [...]
Quality control of the machinned form
Quality control of the machined form, created with the help of SprutCAM. Machine CMM WENZEL Milled and hollowed element Aluminum form machining programming at SprutCAM Machines: -Hermle C400 -Mitsubishi EA12V Advance Created by Sacher. See the original [...]
Pinwood machining. Milling
Milling is the main operation that is used in SprutCAM. Here you can see the process of machining in pinewood from the Santa Faz that went to Alicante. Created by Art 3d Sevilla from Spain. See more [...]
Commemorative Medal by HAAS and SprutCAM scallop operation
Commemorative medal for the 200 years of the Greek Revolution. Created by scallop operation in SprutCAM. CNC Machine HAAS CM-1 Operations: Roughing waterline, Finishing waterline, and the main operation for this type of Scallop work. [...]
Robot glass cutting by Kawasaki
A modern mirror is a rather fragile material, since it is made of glass, and then a thin layer of some metal is applied to the glass sheet. Different metals have different properties of light refraction since [...]
CNC milling by Hermle C 400 machine
Retail: Sustainable Material: 1.2767 Treatment: turning the eccentric + 5 axes CNC milling. Mark: ProMarker Trotec laser Machine: Hermle C 400 - Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG Machining software: SprutCAM Created by Sacher [...]
Rock machining by Yaskawa robot
Stone is one of the hardest materials and it's very fragile. Rock machining is hard but possible. This video demonstrates the stone milling by Yaskawa Robot. In addition, water is used to avoid overheating the tools. Video [...]
Knives by Tormach CNC machine
Tormach is one of the most famous CNC machine manufacturers in the USA and we are glad that they also use SprutCAM and provide it to their customers. Christ Evers produces great knives [...]
Stabuli robot programming for dental prosthetics
Robots have found applications in many areas. They perform many operations that previously had to be done manually. The video shows an example of using the Stabuli robot programming to create a jaw. You can watch more [...]
5-axis machining by COMAC
5 axes Machining Scheduled with SprutCAM Customer: Esquadrias Moschetta Supplier from Brasil: COMAC Soluções em CAD CAM
Robot is not only for manufactury
Who is watching for your children while you're at work? Didn't you think about using the robot to deal with children? Here you can see how robot and children play tic-tac-toe. Project created by Arpel Automation [...]
Wood sink by CNC milling
Our users never cease to delight with their creations. Here you can see a sink made from a piece of wood by using CNC milling. See the original post on Instagram of [...]
Robot cutting with hot wire
Robot cutting with a hot wire makes roughing out material a speedier process with less residue to handle. In SprutCAM it's easy to program and simulate the whole series of movements [...]
Hermle C400 CNC machine and its Microdetails
How small parts can be made using SprutCAM and a Hermle C400 CNC machine? Sacher made a detail that was compared to a match. How do you like this size and [...]
Dizart CNC school on the News
We are very proud of many of our customers and their achievements. Today we will show you a report from Sarajevo, Dizart company. Earlier, we have already talked about them. A bit about Dizart: Dizart CNC has [...]
Nioform robot milling for studio Patrik Bengtsson
A robot milling project, created by Nioform. Here you can read the whole project creation and history. Currently working in a project for @studiopatrikbengtsson where I manufacture a model and concrete mould for a figure in a [...]