Bust machining by KUKA robot milling

Bust machining by KUKA robot milling | SprutCAM Xaprilie 30, 2021

KUKA robot milling helps to create figures, busts, interior elements, and decor. Materials can be absolutely different: polystyrene, stone, different types of trees. Any shapes and hardness.

In this video, you can see the machining of a block of wood and the creation of a bust from our customer, Art 3D Sevilla:

Machining Bust

Good! Today I wanted to show you a work made of a bust that was previously digitized in 3D of a natural person and then it has been machined by means of a high precision Robot in cedar wood.

Do you have another robot arm? SprutCAM supports most of them.

Find out more about robot milling on this page.

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Bust machining by KUKA robot milling | SprutCAM X
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