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  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

Intuitive CAM for self-made CNC machine

5月 4th, 2024|

Alex Baeck from Australia is a hobbyist and has chosen SprutCAM X for his self-made CNC milling machine. That is what he says about SprutCAM X. I’m Alex, an automation/robotics engineer. I’m also [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

From Simulation to a Ready Part With SprutCAM X Robot Milling

6月 16th, 2023|

Our esteemed partner, Arcmex, recently showcased an impressive demonstration of the manufacturing process, taking a part from simulation to reality. They achieved this remarkable feat by combining the Yaskawa robot with SprutCAM X Robot software. In a [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

5-Axis Plasma Cutting on Keel Machine with SprutCAM X

6月 6th, 2023|

Today, we're excited to showcase the Keel machine's 5-axis plasma cutting in action! KEEL AUTOMAÇÃO, a partner of SprutCAM X, has revolutionized programming for this technology. Plasma cutting is widely used across industries, allowing for precise and [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

Cladding with KUKA robot using SprutCAM X

5月 30th, 2023|

In this series of videos, our partner Sprut Software Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. from China demonstrates the impressive capabilities of the Kuka robot in cladding applications, utilizing SprutCAM X Robot. The videos [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

Exploring SprutCAM X Potential with 5-Axis and Multitasking Machines

5月 26th, 2023|

Prepare to be amazed by the incredible pieces crafted by our talented Italian reseller Magister using cutting-edge 5-axis and multitasking machines. In this captivating video, you'll have the opportunity to witness a variety of milling operations that [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

Joinery Irsch Creates Wooden Sinks with SprutCAM X from Datentechnik Reitz

5月 23rd, 2023|

SprutCAM X, an advanced Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) system, is revolutionizing the woodworking industry by providing precision and creativity solutions. We understand the vital role played by our resellers in introducing our software and ensuring customer success. One [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

Motoman Robot Cladding with SprutCAM X

5月 19th, 2023|

The cladding module in SprutCAM X Robot is an optional feature that enables users to perform additive manufacturing operations, such as area cladding. This module is not restricted to any specific cladding technology or [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

Robot milling of submarine for a Croatian museum

5月 16th, 2023|

Bat-Tech Italia once again presented their project for a museum in Croatia. They started by creating a 3D model from scratch and then used the SprutCAM X robot to turn it [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

4-axis machining for complex components

5月 10th, 2023|

HyxTec Engineering Ltd provides design solutions, CNC machining, R&D, prototyping, mould design and manufacturing services. They utilize SprutCAM X for CNC machining and are capable of manufacturing complex components thanks to their 4th Axis machining capabilities. [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

Robot cutting using circular saw

5月 4th, 2023|

Are you currently utilizing your robot for milling, cutting, or surfacing tasks? Have you considered saw cutting? Our Brazilian partners COMAC Brazil showcased this process in real-time, and we're grateful for their demonstration. They used SprutCAM X [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

Robot MTE milling. The full process

5月 2nd, 2023|

Our partner MyGrowTech, based in Malaysia, has shared a video showcasing the complete process of creating a unique figure using MTE. They utilized a robot and SprutCAM X Robot software in the creation process. If you're based [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

Metal printing with KUKA robot

4月 28th, 2023|

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has revolutionized the way we produce objects. While plastic and concrete are the most commonly used materials, metal is also gaining popularity as a material of choice for [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

Creating Stunning Art with Robots and SprutCAM X Robot

4月 25th, 2023|

Visual Architects, a UK-based creative team, is revolutionizing the world of art and design with their use of robots and SprutCAM X Robot. Company is pushing creative boundaries with their innovative approach. Visual Architects describes themselves as [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

Robot 3D bridge printing in China

4月 20th, 2023|

Our colleagues from China Sprut Software Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. in cooperation with Heibei University of Technology have developed a groundbreaking 3D printing project that we will discuss today. They completed this grandiose undertaking in 2019, after [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

Refining the design of the jack screws

4月 18th, 2023|

The use of CNC machines in the public domain opens up possibilities for creating unique and innovative products. Whether it's something extraordinary or simply refining everyday items, machines can bring ideas [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

3D house printing in China

4月 14th, 2023|

The construction industry is known for its innovation and adaptability to new technologies. In 2019, our Chinese partners printed a real-sized house using SprutCAM X Robot software and a Motoman 165d [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

4-Axis Sculpture Milling on a Mori Seiki machine

4月 7th, 2023|

The CAD-CAM world has been using Molly, a 3D part, for the last 20 years. Exhibitions of CNC machines or robots commonly feature Molly. In this particular case, MecDATA, our reseller from Spain, created the part using [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

Motorbike artistic fuel tank powered by SprutCAM X

4月 4th, 2023|

SprutCAM X users are a talented and creative bunch, as evidenced by the amazing results they achieve with their custom vehicle designs. From cars to motorcycles, the SprutCAM X community never ceases to [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

Demo of SprutCAM X Robot on Leanteс robot

3月 31st, 2023|

SprutCAM X Robot can work with various robot arm manufacturers. Our partner from Vietnam SoftOne Solutions who tested SprutCAM X with the Leantec robot, found it to work perfectly. The Leantec robot is a 6-axis robot that [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

Cutting plastic panels with SprutCAM X Robot

3月 28th, 2023|

We already posted video of Nordica Sterling Robotics using SprutCAM X Robot for milling. This video demonstrates their prowess in cutting plastic panels with their robotic milling cell. The video showcases the robotic milling cell in action, [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

5-Axis Laser Cutting with Fanuc Controller

3月 24th, 2023|

5-axis laser cutting is a cutting-edge technology that has taken the manufacturing industry by storm. The process involves the use of a laser to cut through materials with a high degree of precision, while the object being [...]

  • Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X

Adaptive CNC milling by SinteSi

3月 21st, 2023|

Manufacturers commonly use CNC milling to produce intricate shapes and components with high precision. This involves the use of computer-controlled machines that shape the workpiece by cutting away material. However, some milling operations require adaptive techniques to [...]


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Custom handlebar yokes for Harley Davidson motorbikes | SprutCAM X