Little Prince part 2

Little Prince part 2 | SprutCAM Xnovember 28, 2022

robot milling

Do you remember this guy from Precision Usinagem If not, see his creation here.

4 meter Little Prince is ready and colored. Just look at the final result.

“And for those who saw the newly machined Little Prince, what did you think of the finished version with painting?

Machined by @precision_usinagem

Comac is a pioneer in robotic machining in Brazil, in addition to robots we also implement SprutCAM X Robot programming software! ”

“E pra quem viu o Pequeno Príncipe recém usinado, o que acharam da versão finalizada com pintura?
Usinado pela @precision_usinagem
A Comac é pioneira em usinagem robótica pelo Brasil, além dos robôs também implementamos o software para programação SprutCAM!”

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Little Prince part 2 | SprutCAM X
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