3D hearts from Israel

3D hearts from Israel | SprutCAM Xfebruár 13, 2023

The integration of Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) systems within the art industry is a highly advantageous development. These systems allow for the efficient and precise creation of various materials such as foam, wood, and stone.

In recognition of the upcoming Valentine’s Day, we would like to showcase the work of Yair Workshop, one of our users based in Israel. The pieces were manufactured using SprutCAM X Robot.

One of the remarkable works produced by Yair Workshop is a heart sculpture that measures 1.5 meters in size. The sculpture has undergone hardening and painting in a two-component glitter color, and will be part of the #sweetheartdesignerfestival decor, created by Bambi Friedman.

Another noteworthy piece by Yair Workshop is a set of flag hearts, now displayed in the Embassy of the Emirates in Tel Aviv. The design was again created by Bambi Friedman.

We hope that this Valentine’s Day brings as much love and happiness to you as what is embodied in these magnificent works of art.

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3D hearts from Israel | SprutCAM X
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