Christmas season 2023: Santa Claus figure and Christmas tree from Precision Usinagem

Christmas season 2023: Santa Claus figure and Christmas tree from Precision Usinagem | SprutCAM Xdecember 13, 2023

Christmas season 2023: Santa Claus figure and Christmas tree from Precision Usinagem | SprutCAM XBrazil

We continue with the Christmas season.

Back in September this year, SprutCAM X user William from Precision Usinagem started making some decorations for Christmas. Here are some of them.
Santa Claus is 4 feet (1.2 meters) tall and the Christmas tree is 12.1 feet (3.7 meters).

All these figures are made of foam material with the robotic arm programmed in SprutCAM X Robot.

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Christmas season 2023: Santa Claus figure and Christmas tree from Precision Usinagem | SprutCAM X
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