SprutCAM X Robot CAD CAM for making of the first Brazilian EV

SprutCAM X Robot CAD CAM for making of the first Brazilian EV | SprutCAM Xdiciembre 28, 2023

SprutCAM X Robot CAD CAM for making of the first Brazilian EV | SprutCAM XBrazil

CAD CAM Software for Electric Vehicle Manufacturing?

SprutCAMX Robot CAD CAM software for offline robot programming has been used to program robots for manufacturing molds for the body of the first Brazilian electric vehicle: Lecarbrasil. The technology used to make the molds is Sheet Molding Compound, or SMC Compression Molding manufacturing.

Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) or Sheet Molding Composite is a ready-to-mold glass fiber reinforced polyester material, mostly used in compression molding. It is 5 times stronger than steel. No wonder Sheet Molding Compound is used by major Formula 1 car manufacturers.

SprutCAM X Robot CAD CAM software was programmed for the job by Angulo Prototype, a customer of COMAC, SprutCAM Tech partner in Brazil. Please watch the video for more details about Lecarbrasil and SprutCAM X CAD CAM implementation in this project.

Learn more about SprutCAM X for the automotive industry.

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SprutCAM X Robot CAD CAM for making of the first Brazilian EV | SprutCAM X
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