

¡Estimados usuarios de SprutCAM X y SprutCAM X Robot!
Estamos emocionados de mostrar sus increíbles proyectos y creaciones en nuestra galería #PoweredBySprutCAM.
¡Comparta su trabajo en las redes sociales usando el hashtag #poweredbysprutcam para tener la oportunidad de aparecer!

  • Robot woodworking frames | SprutCAM X

Catamaran shaped boat from Amsterdam

febrero 15th, 2025|

As you know, SprutCAM X Robot is the perfect offline robot programming solution for additive manufacturing. Here is a good example. Amsterdam based partner company HB3D 3D printed a 4.5 m and 600 kg [...]

  • vise jew

Small vise jew by roguetoolpath

septiembre 12th, 2022|

Project by roguetoolpath "Drop box projects! Time to use up all the small nuggets of material from other projects and make something useful. In this case, small vise jaw work stops. Little time consuming [...]

  • Robot woodworking frames | SprutCAM X

Small wooden box by Tormach machine

septiembre 9th, 2022|

This box project was created by roguetoolpath with the help of SprutCAM X and Tormach machine for the Valentine's Day. "Another router project to use up small scraps of hardwood! Or worthy [...]

  • CNC machining

From idea to the end work

septiembre 7th, 2022|

Shortly about preparing a part by roguetoolpath. "Prepping wood base material for router. Tool prototypes made from drop material and scraps. Takes time to break down model and prep each part [...]

  • Lathe

Lathe machining

septiembre 5th, 2022|

Another interesting project with lathe, created bt roguetoolpath "Some cam skill building with lathe module. Spending a little time setting up different lathe ops in different ways on a sample model. Hundreds [...]

  • robot milling

CAM to machine

septiembre 2nd, 2022|

Part machined by hsz_fertigungstechnik "CAM to Machine.. next parts for @pmrobotics.gmbh"

  • additive

Jaws by additive operation

agosto 31st, 2022|

Additive or 3D printing operation is available for the robots in SprutCAM X. This is an example of using additive operation by hsz_fertigungstechnik "The ability to 3D Print Jaws gives us very unique abilities." Find [...]

  • Kuka robot machining

Creative art by KUKA robot

agosto 29th, 2022|

Creating different creative art installations, decorations is easy by using your fantasy, mind, SprutCAM X and robot. That's what created by klonart3dspain. "may the force be with you!!!"

  • Tormach complete part

Tormach 8L complete part

agosto 24th, 2022|

Tormash machines have a wide range of applications. This is one example of what one machine can do. Videos created by roguetoolpath "Tormach 8L complete part Complete cam setup test part using 2 profile tools, 1 drill [...]

  • Robot woodworking frames | SprutCAM X

Turn machining

agosto 22nd, 2022|

Every part starts with a workpiece. A little behind the scenes from dwjcnc "Toczymy" "We are rolling" Want to find your SprutCAM X dealer or supplier in your country? Contact us. [...]

  • rollong surface

Wooden rolling surfaces

agosto 19th, 2022|

Wooden rolling surface created by elka_studios "This translation from immaterial to physical gets me every time. Its lovely to have some playtime to use the loft and patch commands in Rhino to generate [...]

  • Kuka robot programming

Canoe milling with Kuka robot

agosto 17th, 2022|

Canoe project by ECCOM company, using the Kuka robot. " Here we made an almost 5 meter long mold for a canoe out of MDF. Total weight of the model was about 500kg." Tutorial to start programming [...]

  • CNC milling

CNC machine for milling (Before/After)

agosto 15th, 2022|

Another example of a great use of a CNC machine from SprutCAM X user anty.partacz.cnc "What else can you do in addition to spinning on a milling machine? " "Co Pan jeszcze umie oprócz toczenia na frezarce?" Find [...]

  • trimming

Dust Free Robotic Carbon Fibre Trimming

agosto 12th, 2022|

Dust Free Robotic Carbon Fibre Trimming by our Australian partner Special Patterns and David Tumino: "Carbon fibre robotic trim cell with trouble free robotic extraction system. After trimming the part is also verified using a digital probing [...]

  • drilling

Deep drilling

agosto 10th, 2022|

Drilling project from Poland customer dwjcnc "Boremeister - core fi 20, cassette for tiles dcmt 11. Drilling with a plate drill fi 25" "Boremeister - trzonek fi 20, kaseta na płytki dcmt 11. Wiercenie [...]

  • Haas milling

Part prototype

agosto 8th, 2022|

Project created by hsz_fertigungstechnik from Switzerland  by HAAS milling. "Finished Prototype for @mxe_electric" Find more about SprutCAM X CNC milling here.

  • Robot woodworking frames | SprutCAM X

MTX Cover prototype by hnengineering

agosto 3rd, 2022|

Project of using SprutCAM X Robot by hnengineering_ "@pmrobotics.gmbh - MTX Cover Our UAV MTX at PMRobotics did evolve over a few Versions. So the Molds and Plugs were [...]

  • Robot woodworking frames | SprutCAM X

Chess board from roguetoolpath

agosto 2nd, 2022|

Continuation of the chess project by roguetoolpath. The previous part you can see here. "Last of the models for this project. Router run for hours milling all the features. Working on [...]

  • rough milling

Rough test mill for robot

julio 14th, 2022|

Test on real machines is very important for the correct work of SprutCAM X. This is the test of rough milling operation from nioform.se "So with a little help from Vitaly at SprutCAM the tool- and work [...]

  • stone milling

Robotic stone milling

julio 7th, 2022|

Stone is a hard material for machining, but our Chinese reseller Chen Chen knows how to make amazing statues from it.

  • wood robot

CNC Wood Robot at Formobile Fair 2022

julio 5th, 2022|

Preparations for the Formobile Fair 2022 from Andre Dagostin "I invite all friends to visit us at the FORMOBILE 2022 fair in SP. We will be with our CNC Wood Robot demonstrating wood machining. Groundbreaking technology for [...]

  • cedar wood relief

Cedar wood machining

junio 27th, 2022|

Another wooden creation from art3dsevilla "Result of machining a cedar wood relief with unique techniques for greater precision. I hope you like it." "Resultado del mecanizado de un relieve en madera de cedro con técnicas únicas para su [...]

  • motocycle part prorotype

BMW motorcycle part prototype

junio 24th, 2022|

This project is created by hsz_fertigungstechnik "First set BMW M3 prototype rear Suspension Arms for autotech_und_motorsport_gmbh"

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Robot woodworking frames | SprutCAM X