New in SprutCAM X and SprutCAM X Robot 17.0.16 release

New in SprutCAM X and SprutCAM X Robot 17.0.16 release | SprutCAM XJuni 25, 2024

SprutCAM X and SprutCAM X Robot update 17.0.16 has been released. 

This update introduces 57 changes containing bug fixes and workflow improvements.

What we made more convenient:

  • Updated smart hints for Cladding 5D operation, Lathe part-off, Adaptive Roughing (Turning), Scallop finishing operation.
  • Updated Holder Control section in the Operation Parameters inspector.

Now we can select the edges of a face by double-clicking the mouse while holding down the Shift key. Previously, only tangential edges were selected.

New in SprutCAM X and SprutCAM X Robot 17.0.16 release | SprutCAM X

Existing SprutCAM X and SprutCAM X Robot users with an active software maintenance contract (SMC) have been notified about the new release and easily upgrade to benefit from these enhancements. Users who have not received a notification are encouraged to contact their nearest SprutCAM X Reseller for assistance or visit SprutCAM Tech contact page for more information.

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New in SprutCAM X and SprutCAM X Robot 17.0.16 release | SprutCAM X

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