4 meters Little Prince

4 meters Little Prince | SprutCAM XOktober 25, 2022

SprutCAM X users create amazing huge and tiny parts. This Little Prince is 4 meter height.

COMAC Brazil shared this project of their customer.

“O (não tão) Pequeno Príncipe usinado pela Precision Usinagem tem por volta de 4m e foi usinado em partes com Robô CNC e programado com SprutCAM. Uma obra de arte que ainda receberá pintura e acabamento!”

“The (not so) Little Prince machined by Precision Usinagem is around 4m and was partially machined with CNC Robot and programmed with SprutCAM. A work of art that still needs paint and trim!”

Find out more about SprutCAM X Robot here.

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4 meters Little Prince | SprutCAM X
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