Christmas season 2023: Decorations sculpting in SprutCAM X Robot

Christmas season 2023: Decorations sculpting in SprutCAM X Robot | SprutCAM XDezember 6, 2023

Christmas season 2023: Decorations sculpting in SprutCAM X Robot | SprutCAM XThailand

Breaking into the Christmas season! Many of our users start preparing for the season much earlier. The robotic cells are working at full capacity.
SprutCAM X Robot CAD CAM software can also be useful for making ornaments from various materials. These are what we will be sharing in the near future.
Let’s start in Thailand, where Saltbox Workshop has teamed up with Thai R&D Robotics Solutions to create a number of stunning Christmas trees. Which one do you like the best?

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Christmas season 2023: Decorations sculpting in SprutCAM X Robot | SprutCAM X
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