SprutCAM X Robot – the Software Used by Villeroy & Boch

SprutCAM X Robot - the Software Used by Villeroy & Boch | SprutCAM XJuli 4, 2023

Villeroy & Boch, an innovative company with over 270 years of history, stands as one of the world’s leading lifestyle brands hailing from Germany. They have garnered a reputation for their exceptional design expertise and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

To enhance their manufacturing processes, Villeroy & Boch has embraced advanced technology. They utilize the powerful SprutCam X Robot software to program their Stäubli anthropomorphic robots. This integration allows them to optimize the performance of their robotic workforce with precision and adaptability.

By combining the ingenuity of their skilled artisans with the precision of robotic automation, Villeroy & Boch continues to push the boundaries of what is possible. They seamlessly merge tradition and innovation to create timeless pieces characterized by elegance and unparalleled craftsmanship.

Join Villeroy & Boch on their extraordinary journey as they celebrate centuries of artisanal expertise while embracing the transformative power of technology. Experience the captivating creations that emerge from this harmonious fusion of creativity and automation.

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SprutCAM X Robot - the Software Used by Villeroy & Boch | SprutCAM X
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