Drawing with a MOTOMAN robot arm

Drawing with a MOTOMAN robot arm | SprutCAM XOktober 27, 2023

Drawing with a MOTOMAN robot arm | SprutCAM XThailand

Unlock the full potential of your robots with creative applications! Take inspiration from our Thai user, Krit Songworakan, representing YASKAWA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. (Thailand). Krit harnessed the power of the Motoman robot and diversified its capabilities by using it for painting and inkjet cutting. This transformation was made possible through programming in SprutCAM X Robot.

We want to hear from you! How are you utilizing your robots and SprutCAM X? Share your innovative applications and inspire others with your ingenuity in your socials. Let’s explore the endless possibilities together. Don’t forget to put any of SprutCAM X tags  #poweredbysprutcam #sprutcam #sprutcamrobot

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Drawing with a MOTOMAN robot arm | SprutCAM X
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