Continuity in park design tradition ensured by SprutCAM X

Continuity in park design tradition ensured by SprutCAM X | SprutCAM XApril 11, 2023

Continuity of Generations: SprutCAM X Robot Empowers Artistic Updates at LuneurPark.

At LuneurPark – Rome’s Garden of Wonder, a talented company from Italy Bat-Tech Italia recently used SprutCAM X to update the iconic chef’s hat figures. Commissioned for this funny project, they created two new chef’s hats to replace the ruined ones at the Civetteria stand, offering delicious dishes to the park’s guests.

Before bringing the design to life, they utilized SprutCAM X’s 3D rendering capabilities to visualize the concept. The result is a perfect blend of tradition and innovation, showcasing the creative process’s continuity across generations.

SprutCAM X empowers artists and craftsmen to push the boundaries of what’s possible. Stay tuned for more exciting projects brought to life with SprutCAM X.

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Continuity in park design tradition ensured by SprutCAM X | SprutCAM X
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