Monkey figures milled with SprutCAM X Robot

Monkey figures milled with SprutCAM X Robot | SprutCAM XFebruar 16, 2023

MecDATA completed this work using a 3D model from the client. They used SprutCAM X Robot to create the necessary paths for milling on Kuka robots.

The 3D geometry was in STL format and had several meshes with high density to show details. This geometry was opened in SprutCAM X Robot, which is offline robot programming solution for milling in this case.

They adapted a Kuka KRC2 robot for this work with an external rotary table that allows for working in a confined space. SprutCAM X generated the complete path and directly sent it to the Kuka robot, which performed the milling. Two robots in the workshop worked simultaneously to create 2 pieces at a time, resulting in 6 figures, 2 of each.

Artists coated and painted these milled polystyrene figures to achieve the final result.

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Monkey figures milled with SprutCAM X Robot | SprutCAM X
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