Sacher: working on a detail on Hermle C400

Sacher: working on a detail on Hermle C400 | SprutCAM X19 září, 2021

A new video from our reseller Sacher, who works on Hermle C400 CNC machine. Just look at this! Isn’t this an addictive sight?

Dla miłośników dłuższych ujęć niż 15 sekund prezentujemy całość filmu. Praca nad detalem
Maszyna: Hermle C400
Oprogramowanie obróbki: SprutCAM
For lovers of longer shots than 15 seconds, we present the whole video. Work on the detail
Machine: Hermle C 400
Machining software: SprutCAM
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Sacher: working on a detail on Hermle C400 | SprutCAM X
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