Sacrario Monte Grappa model drawing and milling by HAAS machine

Sacrario Monte Grappa model drawing and milling by HAAS machine | SprutCAM XJune 8, 2024

Sacrario Monte Grappa model drawing and milling by HAAS machine | SprutCAM XItaly

Creating layouts of real objects is now possible directly in SprutCAM X, eliminating the need for third-party programs. Our Italian client, Sergio Baggio from New Mec Baggio di Rosà (tv), demonstrated this capability impressively.

He worked on the Sacrario Monte Grappa in Veneto, a monument honoring the Italian and Austrian soldiers who fought in the First World War.

“3D drawing and CNC program created with SprutCAM X and a bit of good will.”

Special thanks to our reseller, Magister, for sharing this remarkable project.

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Sacrario Monte Grappa model drawing and milling by HAAS machine | SprutCAM X
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