Supersonic robotic painting with ABB

Supersonic robotic painting with ABB | SprutCAM X4月 28, 2024

Supersonic robotic painting with ABB | SprutCAM XChina

Step into the future of precision manufacturing with SprutCAM X Robot, as showcased by our dynamic reseller, SprutCAM China. Continuously pushing boundaries, they unveil the astonishing capabilities of robotic cells. Today’s spotlight: ultrasonic robotic painting by an ABB robot, seamlessly orchestrated with a 2-axis positioner. Witness innovation merge with efficiency as technology transforms the landscape of industrial automation.

robotic painting



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SprutCAM Xを学ぶためのオンラインコースを受講し、修了すると証明書が発行されます。

Supersonic robotic painting with ABB | SprutCAM X
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