Milling a prosthesis with a GSK RH06A3 1850 robot

Milling a prosthesis with a GSK RH06A3 1850 robot | SprutCAM Xoktóber 14, 2020

Milling a prosthesis with a GSK RH06A3 1850 robot | SprutCAM X

SprutCAM. Rotary treatment of the orthopedic helmet by the GSK RH06A3-1850 robot.

This video shows how to mill a base under a corrective helmet to correct skull deformities.
The machined material is polyurethane foam.
The GSK HBD250-1 single-axis positioner is used as an additional rotary axis.

The project of Sprut-TP

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Milling a prosthesis with a GSK RH06A3 1850 robot | SprutCAM X
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