Stamp by Sacher and Hermle

Stamp by Sacher and Hermle | SprutCAM Xszeptember 27, 2021

Another great part powered by Sacher

Detal: Stempel
Materiał: Stal narzędziowa do pracy na zimno NC11LV.
Hartowanie próżniowe 58HR
5-cio osiowa obróbka wykańczająca Hermle C 400 + EDM otwory pod kołki ustalające.
Programowanie obróbki SprutCAM
Retail: Stamp
Material: Cold working tool steel NC11LV.
Vacuum tempered 58 HR
5-axis finishing treatment with Hermle C 400 + EDM holes for determining pegs.
Treatment programming SprutCAM
Find out more about SprutCAM and how to use it with different CNC machines.

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Stamp by Sacher and Hermle | SprutCAM X
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