SprutCAM at Gestamp

SprutCAM at Gestamp | SprutCAM Xfebruár 5, 2021

SprutCAM at Gestamp | SprutCAM X

Gestamp is dedicated to the design, development, and manufacture of metallic components for the automobile, incorporating SprutCAM.
Together with our partner Mek & Bot we have participated in a project to implement the manufacture of components for electric cars in Gestamp.

“We wanted to have the best tool to prepare our processes, which was fast, reliable, powerful and with the best service, Mek & Bot and MecDATA offered us the best option with SprutCAM, also at a very competitive cost. “

Rafael Jenk, Advanced Engineering of the Gestamp Group

See the original post on MecDATA site

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SprutCAM at Gestamp | SprutCAM X
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