SprutCAM Tech Industry Predictions for 2024
január 16, 2024
Andrei Kharatsidi, CEO of SprutCAM Tech for MCADCafe.com

Let’s be honest, predictions for the industry in 2024 won’t differ much from what we expected in 2023. However, the CAD/CAM industry still might see the emergence of trendsetters.
The development of our industry is significantly influenced by, firstly, key technologies of Industry 4.0, secondly, the high degree of consolidation of the engineering software market, and thirdly, the shortage of qualified professionals in various industrial sectors.
Considering the main themes of Industry 4.0 in relation to CAD/CAM in the near future, we are betting on artificial intelligence and machine learning, augmented and virtual reality, robotics, 3D printing, and additive manufacturing.
• Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
There are still high hopes connected with the implementation of AI technologies for achieving a level of fully automatic machining of parts. For now, machine learning in CAD/CAM systems solves more down-to-earth tasks, in particular, optimizing the workflow and interface, suggesting commands that users will need for subsequent actions. SprutCAM X introduced Ency, a smart chatbot based on ChatGPT, which explains G-code and can answer various questions. However, this is clearly not enough, and just as automakers are working on increasing the level of autonomous driving, CAD/CAM software vendors are investing more in industrial AI solutions.
• Augmented (AR) and Virtual (VR) Reality
To date, AR/VR technologies have not been able to find a worthy application in CAD/CAM software. There is great hope for Apple, which promises to start selling Vision Pro at the beginning of 2024. The Cupertino developer is known for releasing products that change the landscape of entire industries, just recall the revolution in the smartwatch market. The new headset from Apple, thanks to its highest quality graphics, powerful performance, and good autonomy, can become a real driver for the development of AR/VR solutions in the industry. Remember, the first promo video for Vision Pro demonstrates a digital twin of the production line from PTC, which means Apple is initially betting not only on entertainment content.
• Robotics
Reports show that the dynamics of the industrial robots market growth outpace the corresponding indicators of the CNC machine market. It’s good when a CAD/CAM system is capable of offline programming of industrial robots, however, the vast majority of such software products require the purchase of an additional module for adaptation and simulation of processing trajectories. In practice, this means that more CAM vendors will be interested in developing their own or integrating third-party OLP solutions.
• 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing
As equipment for metal 3D printing becomes more functional and accessible, and hybrid technologies are increasingly used in real production based on CNC machines, it’s doubly interesting to see how additive technologies are rapidly conquering the industrial robot market. We see that our users are increasingly using SprutCAM X Robot not only for milling large art objects but also for projects that were considered science fiction yesterday, such as 3D printing of houses and bridges.
The high degree of consolidation of the engineering software market fosters increased competition and forces independent CAD/CAM vendors to look for narrower technological niches for themselves, as well as to stay on the path of innovation development. By the way, under innovations, we understand not only some unique and highly automated features but also the convenience of the interface and workflow, which provide ease of learning and ease of use of the system for solving the most complex and creative production tasks.