Nordica Sterling Robotics using SprutCAM Robotic Milling

Nordica Sterling Robotics using SprutCAM Robotic Milling | SprutCAM XMai 31, 2021

Our customers include many companies that integrate, manufacture or simply sell machine tools or robots. One of these customers is Nordika Sterling.

As an international automation and system integration company, NS Robotics and Automation solutions are designed to ensure optimum performance and cost effectiveness through increased efficiency and productivity. Whether you’re a small start up, or Tier 1 plant, NS Robotics and Automation solutions provide manufacturers the opportunity for innovation, business growth and raise competitiveness in the field.

This video with SprutCAM robotic milling is another confirmation that our soft is an excellent solution for your production.

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Nordica Sterling Robotics using SprutCAM Robotic Milling | SprutCAM X
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