SprutCAM X Robot used for programming of a robot gantry for the production of electric poles

SprutCAM X Robot used for programming of a robot gantry for the production of electric poles | SprutCAM XFebruar 2, 2024

SprutCAM X Robot used for programming of a robot gantry for the production of electric poles | SprutCAM XThailand

In this video you can see how SprutCAM X Robot CAD/CAM/OLP system is used to program a robot gantry for manufacturing electric poles.

It was provided to us by our partner in Thailand, SprutCAM Thailand.

In the video, The ABOT Robot gantry, programmed offline with using SprutCAM X Robot, performs plasma cutting and 5D jet cutting operations.

The video speaks volumes about the advanced simulation functionalities offered by SprutCAM X Robot.

Whether you’re tackling small-scale projects or venturing into large-scale endeavors, SprutCAM X stands ready to cater to your machining needs with unparalleled reliability and performance.

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SprutCAM X Robot used for programming of a robot gantry for the production of electric poles | SprutCAM X
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