TRDS and SprutCAM Robot

TRDS and SprutCAM Robot | SprutCAM Xdecember 14, 2020

TRDS and SprutCAM Robot | SprutCAM X
TRDS team conducting training, teaching how to use robots, and using SprutCAM Software program for Robot Milling, we will provide training for the program alongside Robots usage for customers. Without worrying about usage, we have a team to support you.
If you are interested in secondhand robots with solutions, easy to contact our team via Facebook / Line. Add through the number 086-946-5653 Khun Fig or add Line to inquire. Marketingtrds. We are ready to give advice.
If you are from Thailand, feel free to contact our partners TRDS.

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TRDS and SprutCAM Robot | SprutCAM X
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