New in SprutCAM X release 16.2
augusztus 17, 2022
What’s new
- Updated Hole machining operation: parameters, interface
- Updated the 5D operation on the surface
New in Hole machining operation

The interface of the Hole Properties and Create Hole windows has been updated. Added the Default Settings option to define the values for the top and bottom levels of the holes.

Added the ability to interactively set the upper and lower level parameters when selecting a hole in the main window.

The Hole Recognition window is now scaled. We also added the ability to enable a filter by plane for the recognized list of holes.

Добавили новый тип безопасного перемещения — через уровень по воздуху. Этот тип позволяет получить меньше промежуточных точек при переходе между отверстиями. Это полезно, например, при модальном вызове циклов сверления.
Added a new type of safe movement – through the level via air. This type allows you to get fewer intermediate points when transitioning between holes. This is useful, for example, when calling drilling cycles modally.
New in 5D operation by surface

Added a new option alternative side for the first or second curve.
What we made easier
- New Fanuc 0i interpreter for SCHAUBLIN SA 125-CCN
- Added the ability to bind snap-in elements to the processing result
- Added a snap around the circumference to the part
- Updated distribution postprocessor Fanuc (30i)_Mill_DN.dll
- Hints now appear when hovering over the question mark
What is fixed
- Fixed false tool collision message
- Fixed bugs in 5D mesh operation
- Fixed a bug with visual settings in the 2D contour operation
- Fixed a bug when selecting surfaces by double-clicking in the graphics window for the Chamfering operation
- Fixed a bug in the turning operation Cut off
- Fixed bugs with toolpath propagation preview
- Fixed errors when creating a copy of a part
- Fixed errors in the Finishing Rotary operation
- Fixed bugs with contour by function
- Fixed bugs in 3D Spiral operation
- Fixed a bug with project autosave
- Fixed a bug in the plunging strategy
- Fixed bugs in the 5D operation on the surface
- Fixed saving bookmarks when switching between operations
- Fixed a bug when working in multi-channel mode
- Fixed errors with fillets in the drawing
- Fixed errors when working with SolidWorks 2021
- Fixed a bug with false gouges of the part after transformations
- Fixed a bug with switching between the old and new cycle formats
- Fixed bugs when working with a 4K screen
- Fixed a bug in the Overlay 5D operation
- Fixed bugs in the tool inspector
- Fixed false triggering of the contact of the model with the mandrel
- Fixed errors in the chamfering operation
- Fixed bugs with simulation processing
- Fixed bugs in MachineMaker
- Fixed critical bugs
A total of 59 changes were made to SprutCAM X containing bug fixes and workflow improvements.
Users with active technical support have already received notifications about the release of the new release and can upgrade.