
About the event

Come see the soon to be released version SprutCAM X 17 at the world’s leading trade show for manufacturing technology EMO 2023 in Hannover, September 18 to 23, 2023.

SprutCAM X will be represented by our German partner: Datentechnik Reitz GmbH & Co.


CAD/CAM Systeme Datentechnik Reitz GmbH & Co, Germany, was named the SprutCAM X Brand Ambassador for its outstanding contribution to the SprutCAM X brand at the SprutCAM X World Conference that took place in Limassol, Cyprus June 12-15, 2023.


Don’t miss a chance to see a presentation of the new version due to be released September 2023.

Please consider booking your meeting in advance at: info@cnc-technik.de, +49 (64 61) 759 343 7


Our location

Hall 9 /STAND E06, Directions and car parking: P11, P16 – north entrance

EMO Hannover 2023 | SprutCAM X



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